Frequently Asked Questions on UniAsset

FAQ is under development.

What is UniAsset


Areas of application




Development plans


What is different between 0.14 and 0.13


How to install?

Download and install

How to execute RPC commands from command line?

Create or edit existing .uniasset-testnet/ufocoin.conf and put the rpcuser & password in there in order to do the rpc commands with -cli.

Use uniasset-cli to execute RPC commands from command line:

./uniasset-cli help

Is there any need to mine on the uniassets testnet?

You don’t really need to mine (generate) anything if you get connected to testnet node. That node is configured to start/stop mining when there are transactions in mempool.

But of course you can mine yourself if you want to.

How to create a token

In About / Development console modify and execute:

omni_sendissuancemanaged "n2sZhxu1MELUVh2j9arUh5zQaw7Kbd4xYR" 2 1 0 "UniAsset" "" "UniAsset Test" "" "UniAsset testnet test tokens"

How to issue token amount

In About / Development console modify and execute:

omni_sendgrant "n2sZhxu1MELUVh2j9arUh5zQaw7Kbd4xYR" "n2sZhxu1MELUVh2j9arUh5zQaw7Kbd4xYR" 3 88888 "test issue"

Can tokens be stored at P2SH address?